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Principals Ryan, Edward V. (59-64) d. 5/9/04 Keegan, Albert (64-74) d 11/26/98 Pletcher, Paul (9/74-2/75) d. 11/4/10) Button, Jan I.(2/75-80) Morse, Bruce (80-82) d. 7/4/82 Bredy, Delbert (82-89) d. 2/26/05 Herring, Edna D. (89-94) Smith, Sheralyn (94-97) d. 2/13/07 Braggs, Floyd D. (97-02) D. 7/03/2015 Messer, Armand (02-05) Thompkins, Reginald (05-08) Butler, Malcolm (08-09) O'Kelley, Nancy (09- )
Vice Principals Aquilar-Munoz, Cindy Bredy, Delbert d. 2/26/05 Dollahan, Helen (60-81) d. 4/23/82 Jimenez, Frank (14) Kinser, Harold Schumacher, Les D. 9/19/2017 Sturmer, Jerry (14)
Counselors Cassan, Bert (64- ) Cisneros, Robert Dowd, John Fellows, Sam Fox, Bill (65- ) Gottleib, Mary d.1/86 Hall, Mary (60-) Hodson, Mary (59-) Johnson, Tanya Kuiper, Joann Matuschka, Ernest (59-?) Meiers, Gloria (64- ) Myerchin, John Page, Harry (59-) Schultz, Lee (59-) Thompson, A.W. Thomas, Ralph (60-) Zupanic, Charles d. 12/3/88
Teachers Aaberg, Sharon (65- ) Adriano, Mr (14) Agretelis, Margaret (59) Aguilar-Munoz, Cindy (14) Akalemeaku, May (14) Allen, Jennifer (14) Allen, Lowell (65- ) Allen, Marjorie (14) Alps, Sandra (14) Ames, Robert (65- ) Amezcua, Rubi (14) Amrine, Lowell (14) Anderson, Laura (14) Anderson, Steven (14) Arratia, Angel (14) Atkinson, Eric (14) Ayres, Jacqueline (63- ) Baca, Carole (14) Baker, W. Kenneth (60-) Bailey, Jennifer (14) Balles, Robert (65- ) Barnaby, Scott (14) Barnes, Jan (14) Barrera, Diana (14) Beier, Jennifer (14) Benoit, David (14) Bernal, Kenneth d. 2/24/07 Biddick, Valerie (14) Bienapfl, Marcella1 (62-) d. 8/17/10 Bishop, Kevin (14) Blanke, Terry Bowen, Jerry Bradbury, Judith (65- ) Brand, Courtney (14) Brigham, Pauline (64- ) Bristow, Richard (59-) d. 9/22/11 Busch, Margaret Bushong, Richard Bussone, Dorothy Butler, Charles (65- ) Calderon, Grace (65- ) Camarigg, David Camp, Elainne Campa, Tishri (14) Campbell, William d. 2/0/04 Cann, Ernest (59-) Cannon, Floyd (65- ) Carreon, Leslie (14) Carter, Diane (14) Cassan, Bert (64- ) Castillo, Georgia Celaya, Irma (14) Cerceres, Virginia (64- ) d. 11/3/11 Chamberlain, Stefanie (14) Chang, Tony (14) Cheney, Sue (14) Christopher, William Clarendon, Robert (14) Clark, Lawrence (65- ) Clark, Michael (14) Clark, Nina Coleman, Donna (14) Colton, Leonard Compton, Stanley (14) Cone, Evelyn Connor, Patiricia (14) Contreras, Caren (14) Conzelman, John (63- ) Cortez, Luis (14) Cox, Lynn Cox, William (65- ) Coon, Lois (64- ) Cox, William d.6/22/94 Craig, Harry Crank, Geraldine (63- Crouse, Kemlym (64- ) Crum, Bill Cunningham, Janet (14) Curtis, Angelena d. 8/19/2011 Curtis, Sam (59-) d. 11/10/00 | Daluiso, Norman (62-) Daniels, David Davis, Jeremy (14) Davison, Elayne DeZarn, Jenny (14) Dickey, Edgar (62-) Djonne, Gary (14) Dowd, John (59-) Drew, John (60-) Duke, Kathy Dunbar-Smalls, Laurie (14) Duncan, James Dunn, Anne P ( -13) D. 1/30/14 Dunne, Philip (65- ) Eagan, Patrick (59-) Eagles, Clifford (59-) Eastman, Diane (64- ) Edwards, Danette (14) Edwards, Kelly (14) Edwards, Sam Ehde, Martin (65- ) Elwood, Curt (14) Emerson, Douglas (59-) d. 02/18/13 Emmons, Karen Ann (65- ) Escamilla, Juan (14) Eshelman, Katherine (59-) d. 3/78 Evans, Susan (65- ) Evero, Dennis (14) Feeney, Maxine (60-) d. 9/16/2010 Felkins, Gina (14) Fellows, Sam D. 10/11/14 Fish, Marjorie (60-) Fishel, Carl (59-) Fisher, John Fitzpatrick, Ofelia (14) Fleming, George Fletcher, Richard Foley, Vicki Forney, Leslie (14) Foster, George Fox, Bill (65- ) Franklin, Tommie Gallardo, Teresa (14) Garcia, Aurora (14) Garcia, Tony (14) Gassen, J. (14) Gbenoba, Edobor (14) Gieniec, Robert Giger, Dwight (65- ) D. 4/10/2017 Gilbert, Orville, (64- ) Gilbreath, Sid Gilmetti, Emma (59-) Gire, Boyce d. 2011 Lou Gehrig's disease Goehring, Vicki Gottleib, Mary (59-) d. 1/86 Graf, Kevin d. 6/18/10 Granados, Alathea (14) Grande, Charles (65- ) Greeley, Nancy Griffith, Yvette Griffiths, Thania (64- ) Grisham, James haas, elisabeth (14) hadley, kyle (14) Hadsell, Ernest (59-) d.7/19/03 Haerer, Mary Ann (59) Hall, Mary (60-) hamel, betty (14) hamel, tamara (14) hampton, shon (14) Hanna, Jon (70- ) Hanson, Marilyn (63- ) Hardesty, George (60-) Harkin, Eugene (63- ) Harkins, Mary (59-) Hayes, Bill Hayward, George (64- ) Hendridkson, Joyce (65- ) Hester, Karlton Heggi, J. Hemstreet, Robert henriquez-Pulido, kristal (14) hidalgo, mrs (14) higa, erina (14) Hilden, Norma Jean (62-) D. 8/28/04 Hobbs, Mary Housel, Dean (62-) d. 5/14/06 Hodson, Mary (59- ) Hoeppner, Roland ( -85) d. 9/25/98 Holen, Brenda Housel, Dean d. 5/14/06 hudson, clement (14) hutcheons, karensa (14) jackson, eric (14) jaquez, carmen (14) jenkins, yvonne (14) jimmerson, haracho (14) Johnson, Claude (65- ) Johnson, Elena (63- ) Johnson, Linda (65- ) Johnson, Luciana (62-) Johnson, Richard johnson, scott (14) kaye, bonnie (14) Kebort, Judith (65- ) Keegan, Albert (61) d. 11/26/98 Kelley, Dean, (65- ) kelly, laura (14) Kieser, Jaqueline (64- ) Killingsworth, Glenn Kimball, Joy King, Richard (59-) d. 9/13/00 Kirk, Sam knapp, julienne (14) Knippel, John Kremer, Barbara Kreps, Michael Kuiper, Joann (62-) kull, suzanne (14) Kyritsis, Vassie | Laabs, Elayne d. 1/4/2011 Lardy, Leonard (62-) d. 10/9/2011 Leary, Lloyd (64- ) Lenard, Eva little, elizabeth (14) Ljungwe, Siv (65- ) d. 1/16/10 loncteaux, christopher (14) Lonsbury, John (60-) luque, shirley (14) Lundell, Marilyn (60) luster, wayne (14) Madison, Thomas Magness, Jerry d. 5/22/14 Leukemia Mahoney, Wanda d. 12/13/09 Malody, Judy Malody, Mike Malody, Paula Mann, Thomas (65- ) manners, tyler (14) marquez, monique (14) Marsh, Richard (59-) Masher, Elton (64- ) Mason, Frank Massaro, Roger Matuschka, Ernest (59-) Maurer, Martha, (65- ) McCafferty, Doris McCann, Irene (62-) McCullogh, Wanda (64- ) McGarrah, Leon d. 10/9/03 McKay, Edward (63- ) McNeal, Charles (65- ) Meader, Harry (70- ) Medved, David (60) Meiers, Gloria (64- ) Mejusto, Caridad 2 (65- ) mendoza, diana (14) meneses, geoffrey (14) Mercado, Jesse (Marre) (59-) Mercer, Judith (64- ) Merritt, Joseph (59-60) Messer, Armand Meyerhuber, Carl (65- ) milford, sereisa (14) Miller, Joyce miller, ronald (14) millhollon, gretchen (14) Mitchel, Chin Ock (63- ) Mitchell, Jack 1/4/00, brain cancer Montecino, Rachael Montgomery, John Morelli, Thomas, (64- ) moreno, jessica (14) Moreno, Wendy (01) morris, kim (14) Muckenfuss, Paul Murguia, Vera (64- ) Naiberg, Carol (59-60) Nesse, Earle (60-) Neese, Larry newman, evelyn (14) nickell, Chester (14) Newton, June (59) Nicholson, Gordon nilsson, elizabeth (14) noden, barry (14) O'Doherty, Truman d. 4/4/07 Olson, Raymond (63- ) Orrick, Rosalie (63- ) Page, Harry (59-) Parker, Alan perantoni, mark (14) pergler, raymond (14) Perkins, Jeff d.12/8/06, cancer Pesantes, olga (14) peters, alisa (14) Peterson, Donald (Donovan)(59-) Pletcher, Paul d. 11/4/10 Plimley, Fred (59-) polonio, ruth (14) Pressman, Arnold (60) price, hazel (14) Priestley, William (59- ) Pring, Robert (62-) Probst, Charlotte (63- ) pulido, gilbert (14) Purbaugh, Elva (65- ) quinones, marie (14) quintero, antonio (14) ramirez, adriana (14) ramirez, sharon (14) Ramsauer, Richard (59- 65) Rasmussen, John (64- ) redman, vincent (14) reed, redus (14) Reise, Clarence (64- ) Rentz, Dan ressa, vincent (14) Reupert, Roger rickard, chad (14) riley, lance (14) Rinderknecht, David (59-60) Roberson, Larry Robison, Judith (65- ) Robinson, Judy (64- ) robles, lorraine (14) Rodriguez, Anna rodriguez, rachel (14) rodriguez, samy (14) Roehler, Ronald d.1/8/99 Romagnano, terese (14) Roskamp, Gresham (65- ) Roth, Willard d.11/26/83 Rouse, Beatrice Rucker, Bonnie Ruderman, Naomi (59-) ruiz, susan (14) salcido, humberto (14) samuel, eddie (14) sanchez, crystal (14) Saulsbury, Leo (65- ) d. 4/7/00 Scambray, Carole (70- ) Schmidt, Willard d. 9/17/06, cancer Schultz, Lee (59-) scott, doret (14) Scott, Mary Lou (62-) scott-Toux, deborah (14) Scray, Sylvester (62-) Seaburg, Dorra (60) sehsah, nancy (14) Sepulveda, Barbara (62-) Sienturier, Don (65- ) d. 5/25/10 Sipe, Martin (d. 1/16/99) Siperstein, Jerold (59-) Sitzman, Carl d. 1/8/08 Skarsten, Roselyn (60-) skidmore, mr (14) Smaha, Milt (59-) Smallwood, Marie Smith, Donald (60-) Smith, Doug (70- ) Smyth Pamela Snookal, Don solache, brenda (14) soria, gabriel (14) Southworth, Harold (62-) d. 4/20/06 Soto, nidia (14) sparks, scott (14) Spears, Fran ( -75) D. 10/19/1975 Spencer, Richard (63- ) Stark, Donald (65- ) Starmer, Colleen (60) Stautamoyer, Marcella Jean (62-) Steckler, Gloria (63- ) stevenson, lindsey (14) stitz, catherine (14) Stoddard, Wayne (63- ) streeter, mark (14) Sturgeon, Arlo (65- ) sturmer, jerry (14) Sweeney, Edward (63- ) | Tambaoan, Hillorie (14) Taylor, R. Thomas, Marilee (59) Thomas, Ralph Thompson, Anson (59-) Tierney, Avonelle (60-) d. 10/6/07 truax, billy (14) Uhl, Blair (59-) valmores, anna (14) Van Aken, Clarence Van Aken, Nancy Vaughan, Nancy (63- ) Vidal, Joseph (59-) d. 1/16/2012 Vinge, R (60) Violette, Harry Violette, Nancy (59-60) Von Grabow, Richard, (63- ) Waggoner, Robert (65- ) Walden, Marcella d. 8/17/10 Way, Diane (60) Welker, Evan (59-) Wardell, Karen Welker, Evan (63- ) Wexler, Genevieve Wheeler, Peggy williams, ricky (14) Williamson, Mary L. d. 6/4/03 Wilson, Ivon (59-) Wilson, William (59) Withers, Dorothy Wohlers, Walter H. (60-) D.12/29/2016 Wonfor-Henry, Maralynann (59-) wood, bridget (14) Wood, William (65- ) Wortham, Dennis Wyckoff, Joan Wygant, Russell york, rick (14) Yurkunski, James (60-)
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AKA-Also Known as:
1. Bienapfl, Klettenberg 2. Mejusto, Lucero | |||||
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